
Flight change policies

Flight change policies can vary depending on the airline and the type of ticket you purchased. Generally, airlines offer several options for changing your flight, such as:

  1. Same-day flight changes: Some airlines offer same-day flight changes for a fee, which allows you to change your flight to an earlier or later flight on the same day as your original flight.
  2. Flexible tickets: Some airlines offer flexible tickets, allowing you to change your flight without incurring any additional fees. These tickets tend to be more expensive than non-flexible tickets.
  3. Change fees: Some airlines charge a fee for changing your flight. The fee amount can vary depending on the airline and the type of ticket you purchase.
  4. Refunds: Some airlines offer refunds for canceled flights or if you decide not to travel. However, refund policies can vary depending on the airline and the type of ticket you purchased.

You must check your airline’s specific policies and fees for changing your flight, as they vary widely. If you need to change your flight, it’s best to contact the airline directly or check their website for information on their policies and fees.

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