
Cancellation and refund

If you need to cancel your flight or request a refund, the process and options available may vary depending on the airline you are flying with and the specific circumstances surrounding your booking. However, here are some general guidelines that may be helpful:


  1. Check the airline’s cancellation policy: Most airlines allow passengers to cancel their booking within 24 hours of making the reservation without penalty. However, if you cancel after this period, you may be charged a fee or only receive a partial refund.
  2. Contact the airline: If you need to cancel your flight, contact the airline immediately. You can cancel your flight online or over the phone. Be prepared to provide your booking information and any relevant details about your itinerary.
  3. Consider your options: Depending on the airline and your booking, you may be able to reschedule your flight or receive a credit towards a future booking instead of a refund.


  1. Check the airline’s refund policy: Most airlines will offer a refund if they cancel the flight or if there is a significant delay or change to the itinerary. However, if you cancel your booking, you may not be entitled to a full refund, depending on the airline’s policies.
  2. Contact the airline: If you believe you are entitled to a refund, contact the airline as soon as possible. You may need to fill out a refund request form or provide documentation to support your claim.
  3. Be patient: Processing a refund can take time, especially if there are a large number of refund requests or if the airline is experiencing financial difficulties. Be prepared to wait several weeks or months for your refund to be processed.

Overall, reading and understanding the airline’s cancellation and refund policies is essential before booking. This will help you make an informed decision and avoid surprises or unexpected fees if you need to cancel or change your plans.


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